Sunday, February 3, 2013

Reading Challenges, January: A Slow Start

Not just slow, but pretty damn bad. I read one nonfiction book, but for my personal challenge of reading 2 books I already own: zero. I'm almost done with 2, but didn't finish either by the end of the day on the 31st. January was a rough month in general: I got sick at Christmas and stayed that way for more than 3 weeks. After taking an extra day or 2 during the holidays, I had to drag my ass to work. By the time I made it through the workday, I didn't have the energy for anything more than walking the dogs in the evening and staring at bad television for an hour or so before falling asleep. I couldn't concentrate for more than 5 or 10 minutes at a time. This, in addition to a shitstorm of a financial roller coaster, meant that I was pretty useless.

However, it's a new month, I'm feeling human again, and I have high hopes to catch up with my challenges. Plus, we no longer have cable, which can only help.

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